laugh is a good medicine...

peace be upon to you.... :)...

last night bru hawa tau yang sbenarnya our life is like a weather..we can talk about it a lot..again..and again but in the most profound way,., we can never completely control it because life is full of mysteries.
hem..actually,.jtuh bngun kita..kat ats atw kat bwh ke kita...all of this we create it,,we must go through it..and please never give up on our dreams~at any more thing..even kalau kite sdey mcm mna pun try to laugh...smie..and smile..npe hawa ckap mcm ni..?? .actually laugh is a best gift of our mental health!... we can grant ourselves at any time of pain in our lives...but especially important to laugh when things are not going the way we imagined they would...
loving and laughing ,,they are good friends..they are clearly happy when they can be together again after  a long time apart.....a million stars for you....thank you ! 

go! go!

#sorry for my broken english..hihih..thank to my readers coz sudi singgah..hawa ada something nk share ngn korng in next post..see you ya! in shaa Allah ;)

ada inbox..tpi xpenah nak bukak..hehe..asif

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